05. Octobre 2025CNR Pisa, Italy

The chairs of the 13th conference of SUITMA (Soils of Urban, Industrial, Traffic, Mining and Military Areas), commission of the IUSS  (International Union of Soil Science), on behalf of the Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems (IRET) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) are pleased to invite you to participate to the conference, that will be held

The Conference will focus on “SUITMA from a One Health Perspective”.

Soil is a key component of the water and nutrient cycle, and a major contributor to global carbon sequestration. Soil also provides habitats for nearly all land plants, as well as a large proportion of terrestrial fauna. Despite its global importance, it is estimated that one third of global soil is degraded. In anthropized areas, soils undergo many forms of disturbance: manipulation, compaction, and pollution which impact their quality. However, even degraded soils have the potential to alleviate environmental problems and play a vital role in supporting vegetation. Degraded soils of urban areas and other anthropogenic lands merit scientific and professional attention in order to enhance their ecosystem services and to support nature- based solutions, to tackle the urgent challenges of climate change, and for the health of all organisms and ecosystems.