13. Septembre 2025University of Tübingen

The Annual Meeting of the German Soil Science Society (DBG) 2025 will take place at the University of Tübingen from 13 to 18 September 2025. This traditional event will once again provide a dynamic platform for scientific exchange and networking in soil science.

The motto of the conference is #HealthySoilsClimateProtection. Soils cover almost all of the Earth's surface, produce more than 90% of our food, host a quarter of the planet's biodiversity, purify our drinking water and help regulate our climate. They are one of the most complex biogeosystems in nature, containing a vast array of solid, liquid and gaseous compounds. Interacting with a myriad of organisms, our soils are part of and contribute to the global cycles of life on Earth. Healthy soils therefore provide us with answers to the four great challenges of our time: food, biodiversity, water and climate. They are the foundation of our civilisation and demand our special attention and responsibility.